About Kratom

by | Nov 5, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments

Kratom is a tropical herb whose scientific name is mitragyna speciosa. The leaves are known to contain psychotropic compounds (mind-changing). This native Southeast Asia herb is also referred to biak, ithang, thom, kratum, ketum or kakuam.

Which Are the Different Strains of Kratom?

Kratom has three different varieties based on the processing method. The three categories are; red vein kratom, white vein kratom, and green vein kratom.

The white vein kratom variety is processed from young white veins and leaves of the plant. Its processing is similar to that of white tea. This particular variety may not be a choice for beginners because it has a rather strong taste.

The red kratom is known for being sedating but not stimulating. Plenty of sunlight is used to process it to produce a mellow product from the herb. It can be used for relieving pain because it has calming effects.

Lastly, we have the Green vein kratom. This moderate strain is extracted from mature herbs and has stimulating effects. It also brings a calm sensation that gives you endurance.

Possible Benefits of Kratom

Mitragynine and 7-α-hydroxy mitragynine are the two major bioactive compounds found in Kratom. When the opioid receptors in the brain interact with these two compounds, it results in pleasure, sedation or painful sensation.

Consumption of kratom in moderate amounts makes them work as good stimulants and it also increases your alertness and sociability. Using a higher dosage of kratom will interact with the opiate receptors of the brain to suppress pain. Kratom has successfully used to treat opioid addiction.

Evidence is currently preliminary and anecdotal. This calls for more trials to give more solid evidence.

Kratom Facts

How is Kratom Consumed?

While most consumers take it in use capsules, pills, or extract form, others chew kratom leaves or brew dried and crushed powder in tea. The leaves can also be eaten in food or smoked.

Is Kratom Addictive?

This remains a controversial question about kratom. Some reports indicate that it is addictive while other research findings conclude that there is a need for more investigation.

According to research conducted by Ph.D. Susruta Majumdar, the two active ingredients in kratom do not cause physical dependence or respiratory depression of any kind. The study concluded that more research is necessary to determine if the ingredients can be used for therapeutic uses that can be less addictive.

For many years, kratom has been used in Southeast Asia with no reported deaths linked to it but some complications have been reported for use of contaminated products.

Is Kratom Legal in the US?

Even though some states have banned its use, Kratom remains legal at a federal level. This leaves the legality of kratom to hang in the balance. It was listed as a schedule 1 substance with a potential for addiction and unknown medical value in 2016 by the FDA. This decision later changed after a series of petitions.

Several states are advocating for regulated use of Kratom as opposed to burning it so that there is a chance for more study.


Kratom has not been evaluated by the FDA. We make no claims that kratom cures, prevents, or treats any disease or ailment. All information on the website is for educational purposes only. Keep this product out of the reach of children. Kratom is not a dietary supplement, but a precise amount of an ingredient sold as a raw materials and/or bulk herbs. All information provided has not been evaluated by the FDA and all kratom products on this site are sold for horticultural, educational, and scientific use. This product is for use and handling only by those with the knowledge and equipment to safely handle this ingredient. You agree to release us for any adverse effects that may arise from improper handling and/or consumption of this product. You certify that you are at least 18 years of age and that you agree with this disclaimer.

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