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The Role of Kratom in Traditional Medicine Practices

The Role of Kratom in Traditional Medicine Practices

Kratom, a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, has a long history of use in traditional medicine practices. In recent years, kratom has gained popularity in the Western world for its potential to help with a variety of health concerns, including chronic pain, anxiety, and depression.

Kratom Advocates Win BIG!!!

Kratom Advocates Win BIG!!!

Early in 2021, the FDA petitioned The World Health Organization to do a critical review of kratom to consider it for scheduling. Testimony and SCIENCE were shared in fall of 2021. Recently, the WHO released a statement in response to the petition.

Kratom Plant Care And Information

Kratom Plant Care And Information

Kratom plants (mitragyna speciosa) are actually trees and can grow up to 30 meters high. They are native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia.