Year Founded
AKA GMP Certified:
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Amazing Botanicals offers a diverse selection of strains, including classics like White Horn and the rare White Dragon. They have flexible product sizing allowing you to order as little as 30 grams or as much as 1 kilogram (1000g) of kratom powder at a time.
It’s all about quality here on Get Kratom Today.
When sourcing their kratom, Amazing Botanicals ensures that they do not go after suppliers whose Kratom are cultivated and produced through plantation-based farming. They procure from private farmers that put the kind of love and attention needed to produce consistent, quality kratom.
They use one supplier who is meticulous about organic farming.
Although they have built a relationship with their farmer, they still hold everyone accountable with 3rd party testing after arriving in the US.
Quality, Quality, Quality! Out of hundreds of online kratom stores, this is the type of company that puts your safety ahead of profit.