Kratom – Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

by | Nov 5, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments

The world over, plant-based holistic and natural treatment is becoming the most preferred choice for many people. People are looking for better remedies for medical and physical conditions that will not introduce harmful chemicals to their bodies. Even as kratom gains popularity in the market, many people are still confused about what option it represents.

Here are some of the queries that keep coming up about this grossly misunderstood and misrepresented herb.

Where does kratom come from?

New Guinea, Colombia, Indonesia, Venezuela, Papua, and Thailand are among the countries that cultivate the mitragyna speciosa plant. This plant thrives in tropical and subtropical regions.

The leaves are dried and ground into a powder that makes kratom. The different strains of kratom are harvested at different growing stages of the plant. As a result, they have different concentrations of the compounds.

Can I grow my kratom?

Growing mitragyna speciosa is limited to tropical and subtropical areas. This is because of the humid environment and the dense, rich, and nutritious soil found in these climatic areas. It will not survive the cold temperatures of winter. So, if you are not in favorable climatic regions, it will be very challenging for you to grow your Kratom.

If you are in favorable conditions, you are required to have skills and commitment to grow the trees to maturity. The plant requires good and consistent care throughout its years of growth. It takes years to reach maturity.

Best Form Of Kratom

Do different strains of kratom have different effects?

Yes, the strains have different concentrations of compound, a fact that makes them have different effects when consumed. The difference in concentration is because the strains are processed from leaves harvested at different growing stages of the tree. The leaves change color as they grow. They turn from red, green and then yellow or brown. It is for this reason that the strains will come in a different color.

Apart from the harvesting time, the composition and potential of the strain are also determined by the pot-harvest treatment of the leaves. This will influence the effects of a particular kratom.

What is the best form of kratom to buy?

The most commonly available form of kratom is the dried, powdered, and encapsulated form. This can be easily swallowed with water. It is the easiest way to administer kratom.

In other methods, kratom raw powder can be added to food, or brewed in tea, or simply mixed with water and drink.

In the countries of origin, the farmers are used to chew raw leaves as they work. It energizes them and helps them to work for longer periods.

How much kratom can I take?

Generally, it is advised that you should not take more than six grams of kratom at a go. Four grams will give you mild effects which are good for experienced users but maybe a high dosage for newbies. Whatever you do or want from kratom, does not exceed six grams. Besides, you should allow at least a four-hour gap between doses.


Kratom has not been evaluated by the FDA. We make no claims that kratom cures, prevents, or treats any disease or ailment. All information on the website is for educational purposes only. Keep this product out of the reach of children. Kratom is not a dietary supplement, but a precise amount of an ingredient sold as a raw materials and/or bulk herbs. All information provided has not been evaluated by the FDA and all kratom products on this site are sold for horticultural, educational, and scientific use. This product is for use and handling only by those with the knowledge and equipment to safely handle this ingredient. You agree to release us for any adverse effects that may arise from improper handling and/or consumption of this product. You certify that you are at least 18 years of age and that you agree with this disclaimer.

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