Legality Of Kratom In The United States

by | Nov 5, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments

The winsome benefits of kratom have made the American public to receive it amazingly in the market. It is no wonder many people, young and old have already tried it. Kratom has won the hearts of the American people because it is a natural remedy. It may be new in the American botanical market but in other countries especially in Southeast Asia, kratom has been used since ancient days.

The instant popularity of kratom has raised eyebrows along the corridors of regulatory agencies like the DEA, FDA, and other government officials. Along with the popularity, concerns about its safety have also risen. Different states are treating this matter in different ways. This has brought confusion among users of kratom in different states about the legality of this product. This article explains the legality of kratom to help clear the confusion.

The FDA and DEA’s Action on Kratom

In the U.S., the FDA and DEA are the government agencies tasked with the responsibility to maintain the public’s health. They have to check and make sure food items, both human and veterinary drugs, are safe for use in the American market. These two organizations swung into action when kratom made its debut in the Herbal and botanical market.

In 2016, the collaboration of the two organizations made kratom to be included on the Schedule 1 drug list. This category of drugs is considered dangerous for the public because it is a classification of drugs with the potential of abuse and they have no medicinal values. They, therefore, have to be restricted.

Some of the drugs on this list include LSD, MDMA, heroin, and marijuana.

Including kratom on such a list, would mean that its use will be highly restricted and controlled by the authorities. As a result, kratom users protested and through a series of petitions managed to make the officials change their position about kratom. There is still a call for more study to help in making rules concerning the use of kratom.

Current Legality of Kratom in the US

The Import Alert 54-15 from the FDA

This alert was put in place in an effort by the FDA to frustrate the kratom business after other restrictive measures had failed. There was a directive in which suppliers were not allowed to make medical claims on the product. Currently, the FDA does not regulate nor approve the use of kratom. Besides, the FDA enforced the Import Alert 54-15 in another effort against kratom.

With this Alert, confiscation of kratom shipment by law enforcement officials was allowed. The shipment was confiscated without any physical examination of the products being done. Many suppliers lost a substantial amount of money due to the confiscation of consignments.

The status of Kratom in various states

Several states have to take action to create laws to regulate the use of kratom in their territory despite there being no federal laws put in place. In states like Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Vermont, Arkansas, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin, kratom remains a banned substance. Jerseyville, San Diego, and Sarasota County also have no regulations.


Kratom has not been evaluated by the FDA. We make no claims that kratom cures, prevents, or treats any disease or ailment. All information on the website is for educational purposes only. Keep this product out of the reach of children. Kratom is not a dietary supplement, but a precise amount of an ingredient sold as a raw materials and/or bulk herbs. All information provided has not been evaluated by the FDA and all kratom products on this site are sold for horticultural, educational, and scientific use. This product is for use and handling only by those with the knowledge and equipment to safely handle this ingredient. You agree to release us for any adverse effects that may arise from improper handling and/or consumption of this product. You certify that you are at least 18 years of age and that you agree with this disclaimer.

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