White Horn Kratom
White Horn Kratom
From $9.00
White Horn 100% pure Kratom, another of our popular invigorating types of mitragyna speciosa
This particular strain is somewhat different from the traditional Kratom strains, in that the plants have been allowed to mature to the point of developing “horn-like” structures.

White Horn 100% pure Kratom, another of our popular invigorating types of mitragyna speciosa.
This particular strain is somewhat different from the traditional Kratom strains, in that the plants have been allowed to mature to the point of developing “horn-like” structures.
Kratom comes in only 3 basic types: red vein, green vein, and white vein. There are other color variations, like yellow, chocolate, and gold, but these designations indicate a standard vein color that has undergone special fermentation and/or drying processes.
White vein tends to be a kratom that is similar to coffee in its ability to perk you up and get you motivated to accomplish chores, relieving mild to moderate pain, rejoicing the heart, but without causing a strong lethargy or sedated effect.
Some customers have quit coffee altogether, using white vein kratom as a viable, reliable substitute.
It’s important to point out, though, that while kratom is a member of the coffee family botanically, it contains no caffeine.
White Horn may find a permanent slot on your kratom rotation schedule. It might even become one of your most loved types of kratom in general.
Unfortunately, we are not permitted (per FDA) to explain the various benefits and effects that Kratom Strains could provide to the general public. To let fellow clients and folks that are new to Kratom know the particulars, we would be extremely gracious to hear from you, the Client, what this particular Kratom strain does for you in a review. This would be equally educational and helpful to communicate what Kratom could do for people that would rather approach their ailments naturally. Clients that will write reviews may be enrolled in our VIP club where you will receive discount coupons, give away’s, and numerous other benefits. Thank you for making a difference, from the Leaf of Life Botanical’s Team.
We have good respectful relations with the local, indigenous farmers and plantations. We traveled to South east Asia, looking for the most organic, sustainable, non-GMO Kratom plants with high potency, so you don’t have to take as much, and you thus save money. All of our Kratom is tested by a lab that is inspected by the FDA every 6 months and has won accolades from other supplement vendors and won awards for cleanliness and implementation of state if the art testing equipment.
Additional information
Weight | 1 oz/28 grams sample, 250 grams, 500 grams, 1 kg/1000 grams |
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