The Basics of Kratom

by | Nov 5, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments

Kratom is making waves in the botanical market. This plant-derived substance has courted a lot of attention in the mainstream market despite myths surrounding its use.

Before you consider venturing into the kratom industry, you need to, first of all, get the facts right. Let us look at the basic information you need to have before you buy kratom.

History of Mitragyna Speciosa

Kratom originated from Southeast Asia. For a long time, the best kratom has been planted in countries like Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. It may be new in the modern botanical marketplace but back in its countries of origin it has been used since ancient times.

The mitragyna plant thrives in Southeast Asian countries because they have fertile soil. Furthermore, these countries have tropical forests that provide a favorable environment for the herb.

If you are looking to get a real experience with Kratom you need to tour these countries. The locals there have been using it in different ways for centuries and probably know a host of things about this herb. Farmers chew on it while working to remain energetic as they work because it helps to reduce burnouts. It is also used for medicinal purposes and brewed in tea.

Types of Kratom

There are three varieties of kratom categorized according to how they are processed. These are the green, white, and red vein varieties. Apart from these vein varieties, kratom is also named according to where it is grown. For example, the borneo strain is planted in Borneo Islands.

These strains have different effects on the user because they have a different concentration of alkaloid and they are also processed from the plant at different growing stages. Before you buy any product, you will need to do in-depth research to understand the concentration and effects of the strains.

What are the effects of Kratom?

Kratom has chemical compounds that interact with the neuro-receptors of the brain to cause reactions that result in particular effects on the body. They come with several benefits and side effects.

Although different strains will have particular effects on the body, several effects are common among all the varieties.


The effects may include:

  • Stimulation
  • Increases productivity
  • Pain relief
  • Helps with sleep
  • Reduces hyper-fixation and procrastination
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improves appetite
  • Increased focus
  • Creates a relaxing sensation
These are among the top effects and benefits that have put kratom at the center of attention in the market.

Chemical Composition of Kratom

Kratom, whose scientific name is mitragyna speciosa is made of a unique chemical composition. It has rare mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine compounds that make it have a range of effects when you consume. All strains have the same alkaloid compounds but they differ in concentration. More potent strains are those with a higher concentration of alkaloids.


Kratom is an amazing herb that comes with a wondrous benefit. However, you need to be cautious and do research before you use this rare herb from Southeast Asia. Like any other product, excessive use may have some negative side effects.


Kratom has not been evaluated by the FDA. We make no claims that kratom cures, prevents, or treats any disease or ailment. All information on the website is for educational purposes only. Keep this product out of the reach of children. Kratom is not a dietary supplement, but a precise amount of an ingredient sold as a raw materials and/or bulk herbs. All information provided has not been evaluated by the FDA and all kratom products on this site are sold for horticultural, educational, and scientific use. This product is for use and handling only by those with the knowledge and equipment to safely handle this ingredient. You agree to release us for any adverse effects that may arise from improper handling and/or consumption of this product. You certify that you are at least 18 years of age and that you agree with this disclaimer.

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