Green Sumatra Kratom Powder

Green Sumatra Kratom Powder

From $39.99

Green Vein Sumatra originates from the large tropical island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Green Sumatra is similar to Green Bali and Green Borneo.


Ingredients: Mitragyna speciosa powder

Green Sumatra Kratom manages to have an energized, yet relaxed performance. This makes it a very unique form of Mitragyna speciosa. The alkaloid makeup of these leaves is also very diverse, which adds to Green Sumatra’s charm.

History of Green Sumatra Kratom

Green Sumatra gets its name from its place of origin. Sumatra is a large Indonesian island with a tropical climate. It’s believed that Green Sumatra Kratom trees have grown in this region for thousands of years. However, Kratom powder made from these particular leaves has only been on the market for about a decade.

How Popular is Green Sumatra?

There are many people extolling the virtues of Green Sumatra on Reddit. For instance, one  thread features the following raves:

  • “I really like Green Sumatra…very smooth.”
  • “Green Sumatra is great…almost reminds me of a red with its properties and overall feeling.”
  • “My absolute favorite.”

Many vendors report that Green Sumatra is among their top-selling strains, thereby once again showing just how popular it is.

The Average Price of Green Sumatra Kratom

Pretty much any vendor that can get their hands on a steady supply of Green Sumatra will stock it. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the price points and quality are the same from vendor to vendor. Buying 1 ounce (28g) will typically cost approximately $11-$15. When you jump up to the 100-113g level (4 oz), you’ll see a much bigger split on pricing. Expect to pay anywhere from $19.99 to $42+. Some vendors sell ½ a kilo for up to $149.99. Here at The Golden Monk, you can get a full kilo (1,000g) of high-quality Green Sumatra for only $99.99.

Similar Strains

Green Sumatra Kratom compares most favorably to Green Borneo and Green Bali. If you’d like to try other members of the Sumatra family, check out White Sumatra and Red Sumatra. Of course, the White and Red versions of Sumatra have their own specific properties and performance that won’t mirror Green Sumatra in the same way as Green Bali and Green Borneo.

What Makes Green Sumatra the Right Choice?

Anyone who is already a Green Kratom enthusiast is practically guaranteed to love Green Sumatra. Its unique mixture of a relaxed and energized performance enables Green Sumatra to provide the best of both worlds. Therefore, if you’re looking for something similar enough to feel comfortable but different enough to expand your perception of Green Kratom, you can’t go wrong with Green Sumatra!

Additional information


250 grams, 500 grams, 1000 grams (1 kg)


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